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Written at 18:25 on Monday 13 October 2014 0 comment(s)

Why do I seem to be perpetually struggling with my weight? This realisation hit me one day while I was looking at a photograph of myself taken in 1998. The face that stated back at me was haggard but slim. In fact, I could even see my collarbones jutting out from my purple blouse. And yet, at that time, I had thought I was fat. I now realised that it was a psychological as well as a physical warfare for me. Ever since that year, I had put on ten more pounds. The purple blouse is still with me but it is shoved right into the back of the cupboard for it reminded me of my slimmer days.

Ever since I was small, I have been I had no neck, just tons of flesh everywhere. My grandmother called me 'Gu Sai' which mean cow dung because I looked like a blob of that. Friends called me 'Tua Pui Jen' which mean fatty Jen and that name stuck until I was in my teens. With such nicknames, it was not surprising that I had problem with my self-image.

Although, I continued to be slightly overweight throughout my teens, I was not obese or fat. So, I never bothered to go on a diet. I did not have enough self-discipline or the desire to do so. My classmate were always prettier and thinner than me. They were popular with boys while I excelled in games. Soon, I dressed like a boy, in jeans and T-shirt. These were more comfortable and I could hide all those ugly bulges. I felt safe as if by dressing that way I could divert people's attention. However, the mode of dressing attracted unwanted attention from well meaning relatives. They were afraid that i would turn out to be a tomboy. Once I heard them wispering to my parents and I cried.

My self-image improved over the year as I plant out my self-determination. I lost a lot of weight due to the everyday exercise my mom organised for me. I jogged around 30 minute everyday and eat less carbohidrate. The hell I went trought was worth it I was being the centre of attention and boyfriend were aplenty. Every one love the new me. With less fat I can do plenty of things. I start to play guitar and join a band. I have learn to accept the fact that I used to be fat and keep moving forward.


( ╯‾◡‾)╯~||_Pets and Animal_||~╰(‾◡‾╰ )
Written at 08:14 on Saturday 11 October 2014 0 comment(s)

Dogs have always been considered as man’s best friend since the beginning of time. In fact, archaeologists have found remains of dogs that are 10,000 years old.

      Firstly, dogs are companions and family to man. They are well known for their loyalty and unconditional love. Note what President Obama chose for his daughters. President Obama got them a Portuguese waterdog. This breed is well known for being loyal and protective.

      Another instance of why dogs are man’s best friend is dogs are invaluable to man in their work. Working dogs like the Siberian huskies and collies pull heavy loads across tract of ice and snow. Sheep away from danger.  Similarity, without the Anatolian shepherd, many sheep would be destroyed by wolves and feral domestic dogs. Herding dogs are used by stockmen in sheep and cattle farms around the word for mustering.

      Furthermore, police dogs, sometimes called K9 Units, are great assistants. They help track or immobilize possible criminals while officers arrest or investigate the scene of crime. Some are even specially trained for anti-terrorist units, as in Austria.

      In addition, some dogs help find lost people and animals. The St.Bernard is an example of a search dog. It was historically used in Europe in the case of avalanches and lost travelers. Search dogs are used in lost person searches each year and have helped save human lives.
      Thirdly, dogs help the sick and disable. These therapy dogs visit people in hospitals and nursing homes and provide cheer and entertainment. A wag and a lick on their hand brings a smile to the  elderly in retirement facilities, the ill and injured in hospitals.

       Assistance or service dogs help people with various disabilities in everyday tasks. A newspaper columnist.  Anthony Thanasayan, in his column “Wheel Power” has been writing about how his friend have made significant changes in his life as a person born with disability. His dogs help him to open and shut doors, push his wheelchair for him. Most importantly, they keep him from being depressed.

        Intelligent, loyal and loving, dogs really do live up to their reputation as man’s best friend. Many of us would be lost without our faithful companions.

                                                                                                             ( ~‾▿‾)~Written By Syifa~(‾▿‾~ ) 

Written at 06:43 on Sunday 21 September 2014 0 comment(s)

           Media social is a form of dating that is done by way of meeting people over the internet. Media social  is often referred to as online dating and it is fast becoming a very popular way of connecting with other eligible single people. If you decide to try media social  be aware that it can be fun and exciting but is also carries its share of perils and pitfalls. 


Media social affords a plenty of options to people looking for friendship and love. It will allow you to connect with so many other eligible singles.

           Online profiles can give plenty of insight into an individual's personality, background, hobbies, likes and dislikes, dreams, goals and so on. The more you know, the better equipped you are to decide if this a person you wish to get to know or not.

           Meeting a person online gives you the opportunity to exchange e-mails with the person and get to know them at a gradual pace. This helps to melt away some of the awkwardness and insecurity that is often evident on first dates that evolve from traditional dating.

          In most cases media social sites are relatively inexpensive so you will not break your budget. You can save on expensive dinners trying to impress someone.

         Regardless of your background and personality there is almost guaranteed to be people out there who want to get to know you.

        Some people are not honest about themselves and Media social sites can sometimes attract perverts, especially on the free sites. Profiles can be false as some people attempt to make themselves sound as appealing to others and take it to extremes. Go with old adage, 'If it sound too good to be true, then it probably is' and move on!

       Exchanging photos is important but you do not always get what you see. Some people post photos of them from many years ago and some people do not have photos of themselves that are very flattering. Some people are simply not photogenic. Photos do not always tell the truth.  Realise that some people are more appealing in person that their photo implies and vice versa.

        Some media social sites charge far too much money and some people will not allow to view the profiles of other people until you become a member and pay the fees.

         If you have done plenty of traditional finding friend and have not found the type of friend  you are seeking, you might want to look to internet dating as a viable alternative to finding friend. It is exiting and fun to meet new people by way of internet, provided you exercise plenty of caution and common sense.


Written at 22:37 on Saturday 30 August 2014 0 comment(s)

 Have you ever heard of a word ‘otaku’?

Literally ‘otaku’ is a Japanese term for people with obsessive interest, commonly the anime and ‘manga’ fandom.

In modern Japanese slang, the term ‘otaku’ is mostly equivalent to “geek” or “nerd”. When these people are referred to as ‘otaku’, they are judged for their behaviors and people suddenly see an ‘otaku’ as a person unable to relate to reality. In Japan the word ‘otaku’ has become taboo because of Miyazaki Tsutomu who went on a toddler murdering spree in the 80’s, videotaping the young girls he had murdered from an obsession with ‘lolicon’(female pedophilic manga)
Differently in the western country, they use this term to call themselves ‘fanboys’ or ‘fangirls’ with almost no knowledge of the horrific roots behind the word.

Anime Nerd

Now days, the word ‘otaku’ has multiple meaning. Casual anime fans use this word in the context of being a well established fan who know much about anime and ’manga’. Japanese see this term as derogatory which represents a person who is a lifeless nerd.
Most of the ‘otaku’ actually has Schizoid Personality Disorder. When they usually:
Don't want to get close to people.
Like it best when you're alone.
Don't have much, in any interest in sexual experiences.
Don't react much at all to criticism or complements.
Appear emotionless.

They also have ‘chunibyo diseases’ which they cannot tell the different between reality and fantasy. They usually imagine they had some-sort of supernatural power when they had to defect the evil and bring the peace to the world. This diseases is actually affected because they watched too many supernatural anime or ’manga’.


Written at 20:49 on 0 comment(s)

It is often we read about people, local and foreign, affected by natural disaster and accidents. We want to help as we feel strongly about their unfortunate circumstances. We want to help but feel distressed that we are not able to do anything about it. Then the feeling passes and life goes on. The spirit of volunteerism for the charity is good but action speaks louder than words.

There are many ways by which you can help others who are less fortunate. One of the easiest and commonest ways is to make donations in cash and kind. You read about a person or family in financial distress and you donate generously. An orphanage is in need of electrical equipment, you dig into your pocket to help them.

A more meaningful way of helping others is by doing volunteer work. As example The Red Crescent Society offers its services in government clinics especially during festive seasons when accidents are prone to happen. Sometimes, these club members offer their services as tutor for the orphans. This act might seem trivial but they make a difference.

Another form of charity service is reading to the visually-impaired at their centre or visit sick children in the hospitals. You can also volunteer as counselors for the ‘be-friends’, a non-profit organization to help those in need of friend who is willing to listen but non-judgmental.

At a higher level, various charity societies exist to enable us to contribute to the community. There are many opportunities for those who are suitable qualified to contribute to the betterment of society. The National Red Crescent recruits volunteer to help in times of natural disasters, like earthquake, floods, hurricanes, tsunami, and drought. They help to relocate homeless people. The Malaysia Medical Relief Society (MERCY Malaysia) provides medical relief and humanitarian aid for local and international emergencies volunteer are always welcomed.
There are many ways one can do volunteer work. It depends on whether one is willing or not.


Written at 02:33 on Sunday 17 August 2014 0 comment(s)

Courage? Brave? They have same meaning in different word. How we can describe about courage or maybe about brave? Here, I have a story about someone who are too brave to save people’s life.

She was 17 years old this year. She lives near around Kajang. She is so beautiful girl, talkactive, and also she was an athlete in her school. She was a tomboy. Well, she’s acting like that because of her tough life. She has too much haters because of her life. She didn’t ask for that life. Either she want it or not, she have to accept it. That fate was written before she was born.

Here the truth story. This accident had happened on March 2013. She is on her way to go to the school. Coincidenceon that day, she walk alone to school. While she walk, she saw a red BMW, series 3 car, drive so fast. The driver did not follow the speed rules on the road. The driver should know, when he driving on the road that have a school, he has to slow down the speed. Or not, he will breach student school who walk to school. A few minutes after that, she saw the car make a U-turn and speed to someone. The girl shocked when she saw the car had aim to crash the boy who walked alone to pass the side road. So she run over the road and grabbed the boy. The red BMW car  had stop for a while and just drive pass through them. The boy shocked for what had happen to him just now. The girl help the boy stand up. The girl had ask him did he know who the driver was. The boy just closed his mouth. Maybe he still trauma. The girl bring the boy to the police station to make a report.


After make the report, the boy thanked to the girl who had saved him and said, “You’re a girl. But you are so brave to save me from the accident. Thanks a lot. I indebted with you. I don’t know how to pay it.”  Then she said, “Never mind. It was part of my job to save another people life”. Then, the girl left the boy and went to school with messy cloth. Teachers in that school weird why she went to school with messy cloth. She  just entered her class, and when she reached the classroom, the teacher ask why she look so messy. She told the teacher what had happen and the reason why she came late to the school on that day. Teacher in the class shocked but at the same time she thanked to God because God still give she time to continue her life.

Don’t you think this girl are really brave? How she would endangering her own life only to save other people's lives? I wish I could be like her who are too brave to save people’s life. Don’t you want to be like her? Yes, maybe it was too dangerous for us, but at least we can save another life too.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!

Written by,

Nurina Izzatie binti Maizatul Akmam

Written at 00:26 on 0 comment(s)

Are technologies a blessing or are they a danger to society? In my opinion, technologies are a menace to society.

It could be argued that technologies are so useful that they are used everywhere – from the boardroom to the classroom. We have to use the technologies or miss out in improving our knowledge. The internet is an indispensable source of information. The world is latterly at our fingertips. Search engines will get you whatever information you need.

On the other hand, we are spending more time on entertainment than gathering knowledge. We are surfing the Net for games, music, chat rooms, books and so on.

Moreover, the family is broken up by the technologies. How many times your mother called you for dinner and your answer is ‘Wait’, ‘Coming’. We are riveted to the internet or the online games. We are not interested in family excursions or get together. They are too boring. As a result, family ties are neglected. In addition, we are more computer savvy than our parents. That has to a widening of the generation gap.

There is even less time for face-to-face socializing. Chatting online is what we all love doing. We can keep in touch with friends who are all over the world. On the other hand, through social networks like Facebook and Twitter youth are spending hours on the computer. Though they may have hundreds of friends and spend all their time updating on the site, it is still friendship made without leaving the computer. Many are so addicted to their games that they have become quite anti-social. Of course there is always the danger of exposing the young to sleazy materials.

Furthermore, because of the amount of time spent holed up with the computer, we are spending less time in fresh air with friends. Games like badminton and soccer have been overtaken by computer games. Cyber life has overtaken real life.

To sum up, we have all fallen victim to the technologies. Addiction to the technologies is fast rising. Be honest, have you not skipped family activities or class or handed in incomplete homework simply because computer, tablet, phone games is more exciting?

Written by $yifa