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Written at 15:40 on Thursday 31 July 2014 0 comment(s)

Everyone knows what is music.every of us must have at least one favourite song in our life.Today modern music has become a culture for example K-pop. K-pop stands for korean-pop music and has been approved as a culture and today some of our country youngster applying this culture in their life like their   fashion, make-up, smartphone, food, and many more. Everyone has a song in their playlist which they always skip but never delete.

Music has it's good and bad.psychology said that hearing music increase our mood instantly by 50%. Listening to music at high volumes makes a person calmer,happier, and more relaxed. But it can damage you hearing.Music is so influential on the brain that the type of  music you listen to actually has the ability to change the way you think and look at the world. Listening to music for at least 5-10 minutes a day also strengthens the mind and make a person easier to deal with emotional stress.

The bad thing about music is most people today love the beat of modern music.The modern music has so many curse words.Mostly rap music, glorifies violence and is having negative effect on young people. Young generation now always have earphone with them. Listening music via earphone actually can damage your hearing.

written by : syifa

Written at 17:23 on Thursday 3 July 2014 0 comment(s)

Hey dear reader, WELCOME to the MobEssey blog. Today we would like to share to all reader about hygiene.

First, what is the meaning of hygiene? Hygiene is a set of practices performed for the preservation of health in multiple depends on the used.  The concept of hygiene comes from the old concept of medicine which was to prevent the infection of bacteria and virus. There are six type of hygiene:
·         In terms of medical
·         Home and everyday life
·         Personal hygiene
·         Excessive body
·         Culinary
·         Personal service.

Next, why should we take care about our hygiene? Well, there is a lot of disadvantage when you didn’t keep yourself clean. What if you don’t take your bath today? Will you feel comfortable to be friend with others? What if you don’t wash your hand after use the toilet? Will you use your hand to do stuff? What if you eat at a place that full of mouse and flies? Will you eat there when you know that place is so dirty? These questions we never ask to ourselves because the answer is too obvious, furthermore most of the answer kept you alive and healthy today. So, back to the main question, why should we take care about our hygiene? The answer is to keep ourselves healthy and help we feel good about ourselves and we can stay far away from any kind of sickness that cause by bacteriaCARE ABOUT YOUR HEALTH, THEN YOU CAN KEEP OTHERS. As we all know the mantra being said,  PREVENTION is better than TREATING. 

Then, we like to share about the ways how to keep the environment clean. First of all, keep yourself clean all the time. The clothes application ethic must be spick-and-span. Then, keep your house clean from rubbish and bush. Also, avoid from the aedes mosquitoes breeding around your house. If there’s got aedes breeding signs, tidy and clean it as soon as possible. Evade yourself before trapped with dengue. Moreover, we can make community self-help with our neighbour to clean the housing area. When the housing area is clean, the outsider that come will give a lot of respect to us. So then, KEEP THE ENVIRONMENT CLEAN TO GET HEALTHY LIFE FOREVER!

that's all for now. see you on next story. bye! 

Written by, 
Nurina Izzatie binti Maizatul Akmam
Syifa'ul Husna binti Halim
Nur Fatini Lidya binti Mohamad Zain
Muhamad Irfan Nurzariq bin Abdul Wahab